Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We're really starting to create some excitement for the Hip to be Square Exhibition! The postcards are on the way and we can't wait for everyone to get a look at them. We had the whole crew at Framers' collaborate on them. We're getting the word out to all of our customers, family and friends.

We've also been busy brainstorming ideas on food and such for the opening reception. We're expecting a good crowd and want everyone to have a great night!

Thanks to the artists who have taken the time to give us a preview of their art and selves. We can't wait to see more. Again, feel free to contact us if you need help getting your work, bio or opinions on the blog.

Thanks, The Framers' Workshop Crew

1 comment:

  1. Way to get things going and creating energy for the show. Let's keep the ball rolling.
